AAHOACON 22 - Marketing Panel
Mindful Marketing: Innovative Ways to Market Your Select and Midscale Hotel
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 | 1 PM – 2 PM Eastern
Moderator: Susan Barry
Panelists: Janel Allen
Leticia Proctor
Stephanie Smith
Welcome, introduction and description. Susan
1. I’m hearing from a lot of hotel owners that they don’t see value in investing in marketing, and they are putting their dollars into revenue management instead. Why should a hotel owner invest in marketing? What are the top things hotel owners should focus on and pay attention to in marketing? LETICIA | STEPHANIE | JANEL
2. What is the highest priority marketing expense in Q2 2022? Where should hoteliers put their dollars right now? JANEL | LETICIA | STEPHANIE
3. Hotel owners pay significant fees to the brands. What are some ways to get the most out of those fees from a marketing perspective? JANEL | STEPHANIE
4. With leisure still leading the post-pandemic mix of business, how can marketing best support a shorter booking window and capture of a leisure customer who may be driving in same-day?
5. How can hotels convert OTA guests to direct bookers? STEPHANIE | JANEL
6. What new consumer buying behaviors and expectations have arisen over the last two years that need to be incorporated into our marketing strategies moving forward? LETICIA | JANEL
7. Some reports have estimated a permanent 25% reduction in business travel going forward? How can hotels make up the difference? JANEL | STEPHANIE
8. What are some new marketing innovations that you’re excited about? What are the roles of big data, AI, and machine learning in marketing? STEPHANIE | LETICIA
AUDIENCE Q&A | If we don’t have questions from the audience, I’ll have some one-word answer questions ready to fill in the time.