Debunking Myths and Revealing Truths

Cory Falter, principal at Lure Agency, hosted Susan Barry, president (aka "Queen Bee") of Hive Marketing, on the InnSync Show to talk about B2B marketing. Here are some nuggets from the show:

When it comes to B2B hospitality, your prospect likely did not execute a Google search that landed them on a landing page with a form. These untrackable activities are where the sales process really takes place. Susan says, "By publicly demonstrating how I think and by making great connections, when my prospects realize they have a need, they have already naturally discovered I'm the person for them."

“I think it’s interesting to track data such as followers, but measuring the overall health of the business versus specific numbers or particular things that people have gotten obsessed with within the company is a lot better way to tell if your marketing is working,” Susan says.

One of the biggest mistakes that hospitality businesses make is assuming that just because their competitor is doing something, it means it's working. Susan says, "Maybe their goal is just to get their name out there, and they're okay with losing money on every single sale. But if your goal is to be profitable, you have to take a different approach."

Watch the whole conversation about B2B marketing in hospitality here.


AAHOACON 22 - Marketing Panel


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